Earth Dreams by Amy Kisei

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Listen to the silence

Listen to things

Listen to your life

What is speaking to you today in the language of silence?

Hear the rain, each drop

The rain before it lands

Is silent

Hear the icons on the phone, 

The color green

Listen to all the colors

At once

Hear their silences

And hear too

The window

The noble fir

The leaf falling in mid flight

Your unmade bead

The sheets and blankets

That held your quiet sleeping body all night

As you awoke

In a room

Mostly silent

As the jars, and picture frames, the tea pot, bowls, and empty glasses

The unlit candles, carpets, cushions

And chairs

The houseplants, wooden floor boards, walls, ceiling, 

Drum and guitar

Reamined in meditation

Their natural state

Quiet and simply themselves

Do they wait, for your life to engage them

To give them purpose, function and meaning

Or do they find

Their silence

Adequately enough

As they rest, and participate

In the great silence 

Of things exactly as they are