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The Way of Relationship: A Weekend Workshop for Intimate Partners

  • Earth Dreams by Amy Kisei Online (map)

The Way of Relationship: A Daylong Workshop for Intimate Partners

Jan 21 - 22

Saturday 9:30A - 12P PT / 12:30P - 3P ET and 2P - 4:30P PT / 5P - 7:30P ET

Sunday 9:30A - 11A PT / 12:30P - 2P ET

To persist in loving another is one of the most rewarding and challenging aspects of human life.

Taking our primary relationship as a spiritual path revisions what relationship actually is and renews our sense of its possibilities. This requires skills and outlooks that may go against the grain of our tendencies.

With these outlooks and skills we can navigate partnership, its ups and downs and in-betweens,  as practices of presence, compassion, non-duality and kindness–rekindling the magic of connection and the mystery of love’s play.

During this workshop we will explore the spiritual path of relationship through:

  • Sharing a vision, vows and divergent values

  • Learning practices for deepening intimacy + connection

  • Voice Dialogues’ Bonding Patterns wisdom on patterns of relating

  • Reconnecting with play

  • Awakening generosity, kindness, gratitude and equanimity for our partner

This workshop will include guided meditations, teachings and guided relational exercises that you will do together with your partner. The intention of the workshop is to help ground your relationship in your spiritual practice, to reconnect with love for each other and to deepen intimacy.

This retreat is for intimate partners only.

Sliding Scale $150 - $400 per couple

Email to register and send payment via Paypal or Venmo @amykisei

November 17

Love & Spaciousness: Practicing with The 6 Mahayana Paramitas

February 2

Awakening the Sacred Feminine: An Online Class Series