Earth Dreams by Amy Kisei

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Being Witnessed

In zazen, I learn to witness 


The fears and longings

Play in my soma

The questions, I was once too afraid to ask

What is this world?

Who am I?

What is us?

I am also learning too

To be


To share a dream

Or a piece of art

To show the inner process unfolding

To notice where

I get stuck in my own knowing

Or desire for interpretation

To controle

We once lived in a participatory 


Humans bearing witness

To its unfolding

To bird song and seasons

To soil damp and warm in the sun

to spruce and its new growth

To mountain, its micro climates and  to thunder

Laying out in starry sky


As earth heard and held

The gentle releases of the body

Supine against its surface

As the cosmos

Carried the soul

What is it like, to be seen?