The Dream of Awakening

In this dream we have fleshy animal bodies, subtle nervous systems and active, creative brains. In this dream we have been conditioned to believe things about ourselves, others and the world that aren’t true, but kept us safe when we didn’t know what else to do. 

In this dream we have experienced traumas and challenges that have hardened parts of us while at the same time making us more resilient. In this dream we are tenderized by the immensity of love, that we are just learning to receive. 

In this dream we live on the earth with its unstable weather, and unpredictable people. In this dream many are suffering because they have forgotten who they really are. In this dream you are a stone woman finding your legs–you are a wooden man discovering your voice.

What has been wounded in you, or broken is rising up to be healed.

What has been lost or forgotten is slowly coming back to life.

In this dream you keep getting glimpses of your true nature, as if you were being courted by a new lover. You are curious, attentive, shy and sometimes filled with trepidation, longing and doubt.

In this dream you are made of earth and sky, you are fierce and tender, you are whole in and of yourself and you are part of this great web of living. You are welcomed by the Buddhas and ancestors, by the spirit guides and animal protectors, by the great fern and the noble fir, the golden crowned kinglet and the howling coyote.

In this dream you let the universe hold you, you offer up your doubts + confusions to the night sky, the crescent moon, the miracle of your becoming.

In this dream–a vow emerges in your heart–it is quiet, but persistent–you don’t know where it came from, or who else hears it–but you decide to keep it close and nurture it in your heart.

It is a new dream–the dream of awakening–that will guide you through this life.


Safety + Being