This Volcano that we Are
I can feel the heat of the volcano
I did not ask to be
When the explosion happened
–but as it is happening
I see
There is a cycle to all this
Open their long
Frozen lips
To replenish
The soils
Earth renews
Under the heat
Of such beauty
–and destruction
Sometimes I wonder
Are our thoughts part of nature too?
And our violence?
The way we kill each other—slowly
Through inattention
And blindness
The way we poison our earth body
And then stay inside
Walling ourselves
From the pain of it
I have a VR program
Where I can breathe
Fresh air
bathe in the clear natural flowing waters
climb trees
& feel the sensation of a mosquito biting my flesh
Nature rises up in me
In dreams and moments of insight
revealing visions of healing
that turns the heart
(for no good reason)
towards compassion
Is there a good and evil to nature?
To the human heart?
Or are we invited, to the field
That Rumi spoke of?
The one beyond these apparent dualities
The open field
Where we can lie down together
And be breathed by earth and sky
Forgetting for a moment
(or an eternity)
These distinctions
Such as mine and yours