A stone woman gets up dancing
a poetry & art space
Being Witnessed
In zazen, I learn to witness
The fears and longings
Play in my soma
The questions, I was once too afraid to ask
What is this world?
Who am I?
What is us?
What if You Lived In Praise
What if you lived in praise
Of earth soils, moist grass, bird seed spilling from its bowl
Of oregon grape flowers
Honeysuckle yellow
Grape hyacinths, magnolia, lavender, jasmine
Cherry blossoms
When People Get Together to Pray
We share silence together
Every morning
Every evening
In-between bites of food
In-between stories about our lives
We share silence
Coming Back Home—(Celebrating the Beginner’s Mind)
Come back home
To the heart
The place where seeds take root
And begin to awaken
The source of life
Rests in you
Meet the ally
What is it to have an ally
Within one’s self
I meet her
At the place where the forest becomes mountain
Trees, meet boulder
There is a shrine
Hidden behind the noble fir
She is talking about how the deer and other
The Living Present: An Open Question
A portal is a trap-door from one world to the next
Once we consumed them
the tree appeared
As if we were transported
From the world of deadlines
And so much planning
To a place where time was measured
By the depth of moss-cover, dappled light
The Life-Giving Nature of the Soul: A Dream
My tubes are empty.
We are told we must fill them with precious jewels
Precious jewels? I do not have such things as these.