A stone woman gets up dancing
a poetry & art space
The Dream of Awakening
In this dream we have fleshy animal bodies, subtle nervous systems and active, creative brains. In this dream we have been conditioned to believe things about ourselves, others and the world that aren’t true, but kept us safe when we didn’t know what else to do.
Safety + Being
Will you hold me? as all that hides
This heart
And we stand naked
As all time
And all being
In the great unbecoming
That is our undivided life
Longing for the Great Completion
Taste the passion
Of summer love
Oh! The people we are
When we can shed off
The protective layers
Of self-consciousness
The seasonal clothing of “too much to do”
And “never enough time”
2023 Vision + Honoring
To the part that swims into the unknown
And flys with their flock
To the part who rises above, and looks back into it’s nature
To the part who plays in the chaos of life
The Worlds We Dwell In
It isn’t praise-worthy or intelligent
How the relic
With no arms
Precisely in his place
On the altar
The Morning of the Full Lunar Eclipse
What if you let go
Of comparison
And said Yes!
To the magic
That comes to us each
In the way
We can receive
Welcome Child–A Poem of Belonging
Welcome Child
To this place of earth
To the soils that root the trees +plants
That hold the water
That sustains this life
You will come to know this earth in many ways
Each experience will be your own