Earth Dreams

Zen Buddhism, Dreams and the Soul of the World

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Kisei Costenbader Kisei Costenbader

Nourishing Our Spiritual Life through Sleep and Dreams

There is no magic formula to living a genuine spiritual life. No adequate map that charts the exact terrain–we each walk into the mystery of our lives–blind, unable to see the future that will unfold.

We don’t know what we will encounter when we turn our attention inward during meditation (especially long periods of meditation like retreat). We don’t know what is waiting in the unconscious to rise up into awareness–what parts of ourselves, our family karma or the world’s–that is looking to be healed and integrated in our growing heart.

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Kisei Costenbader Kisei Costenbader

Have You Ever Shared a Dream?

Some dreams are given, shared by a friend or lover over coffee, or in the tangled sheets of morning, sleep crystals still hanging from our eyes. And what a gift. To receive the mysterious images of a dream. When a dream is spoken not for the sake of analyzing, interpreting, or “figuring it out” but shared as story–in the intimate communion of two souls–there is a certain magic, a grace.

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Kisei Costenbader Kisei Costenbader

Heeding the Radical Call of Zazen

Zen teachings are radical. They go to the root of our suffering and offer the deepest freedom imaginable. There is something so utterly honest and true about them. They speak to our deepest heart’s longing for awakening. They speak to the freedom and joy we intimate as our true nature.

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Kisei Costenbader Kisei Costenbader

The Dharma Gate of Joyful Ease

The teachings of Zazen offer an inconceivable freedom. This is the first of a five part video series exploring the Five Radical Practices of Zazen. The first is the Dharma Gate of Joyful Ease.

Allowing joy and ease in our lives can be radical, even on a basic biological level. Zen empowers us to recognize the ease and joy that are inherent in awareness itself. It also empowers us to open our awareness and notice the joy and ease that may be present, even in the midst of depression or chronic pain.

In this series Kisei will explore the Five Radical Practices of Zazen.

The dharma gate of joyful ease

Befriending ourselves

Reclaiming wonderment

Taking the backward step: recognizing spaciousness

Turning the light to shine within: recognizing luminosity

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Dharma Talk, Emptiness, Koan Kisei Costenbader Dharma Talk, Emptiness, Koan Kisei Costenbader

Why Emptiness Matters

Emptiness is one of the core teachings of Mahayana and Zen Buddhism. I have found that within Zen communities emptiness is often misunderstood. Because emptiness is misunderstood it can also be avoided.

We can come to practice looking for relief, ease, calm and/or stability in our lives and find that meditation helps with that–without realizing that there is more to the path. Genuine insight into emptiness can help us know a freedom beyond conditions, the inherent rightness in being itself!

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Kisei Costenbader Kisei Costenbader

Opening the Path of Bodhidharma

Bodhidharma represents determination, fierce compassion, wakefulness, authenticity, creativity, he’s a trickster, who also embodies the spirit of the fool and the sage. One who is constantly beginning anew and one who is complete–simultaneously.

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Kisei Costenbader Kisei Costenbader

The Spacious Heart: Loving Kindness Sesshin Talks

Though this heart is small, it includes the entire world.

I had the opportunity to lead sesshin solo for the first time this past June. The theme of the sesshin was Loving Kindness Practice. What unfolded was an appreciation of how the teachings of emptiness / spaciousness support loving kindness / compassion. You can find links to all the talks from the retreat on this link.

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Earth Dreams, Three Bodies Kisei Costenbader Earth Dreams, Three Bodies Kisei Costenbader

Everyday is Earth Day

Do you live in a living universe? What makes it so?

I am taking a class right now through Schumacher College and the Animas Institute called Awakening the Planetary imagination. I joined the class because I am interested in the role of the imagination, dreams, art and creativity in meeting the reality of the climate crisis.

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Koans Kisei Costenbader Koans Kisei Costenbader

Following the Fallen Flowers: An Invitation to Praise

“Go on a praise walk,” she said. And then she shared photoshopped images of earth altars. A praise walk?! My heart liked the idea, it was my mind that resisted. My mind is capable of so much pain and separation. It could start to criticize the monetization of Earth Art by some white dude. It could roll my eyes at her childish way of teaching. It could decide that this wasn’t really a practice of liberation, so what was the point.

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Kisei Costenbader Kisei Costenbader

Entering the Dream Gate

In all matters, I have relied on the interpretation of my dreams.–Keizan Zenji

Everywhere at all times, in all cultures and races of which we have record, when the greatest meaning, the highest value of life needed renewal and increase, the process of renewal began through a dream.-C. G. Jung

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Hidden Lamp, Awakening Kisei Costenbader Hidden Lamp, Awakening Kisei Costenbader

Awakening in the Charnel Grounds

Hidden Lamp Case 9: Seven Wise Sisters Awaken in the Charnel Grounds. In this talk, we explore the Koan Case from the Hidden Lamp. I appreciate the tradition of writing a pointer, poem and commentary to the case koans, and take up the opportunity to do so with one of the koans from the new collection of teachings by women ancestors.

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In Love with the Earth: Reflections on Earth Wisdom, Human Love & Meditation

Zen meditation is an invitation to see beyond this apparent separation of self and other. This invitation, when taken up seriously brings one into the heart of what it means to be alive. With the global pandemic and climate crisis turning over some of our most beloved paradigms and beliefs–what does it mean to live with purpose in a changing world?

I wish to consult with the great Zen Master Hongzhi and the contemporary Zen teachers Thich Nhat Hanh and Zenju Earthlyn Manuel to explore this question of meaning. What I find is that I am led to intimacy and love for the living Earth.

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Zen, Dharma Talk, Awakening Kisei Costenbader Zen, Dharma Talk, Awakening Kisei Costenbader

Dharma Talk: Practicing with the 3 Poisons

The three poisons: greed, hatred and delusion, obscure our access to clear-seeing and functioning from love. And yet, these poisons are part of human life. In this post I explore three ways from the Buddhist tradition to meet, embrace and find freedom within these poisons: they are replace, transmute and non-abide. Read more to discover these practices for yourself.

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Spiritual Counseling, Process Art, Dreamwork, Ceremony Kisei Costenbader Spiritual Counseling, Process Art, Dreamwork, Ceremony Kisei Costenbader

What is Spiritual Counseling?

In my one-on-one Spiritual Counseling Practice, I bring together what has been considered spiritual work (transcendent experiences of oneness, no-self, emptiness, awakened awareness, god, the sacred) with what has been considered soul work (dreams, creativity, ceremony, ritual, embodied imagination, visionary experience, premonition). I feel this is an approach that is integrative of the whole human process.

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Dream Work, Life Purpose, Creativity, Art Kisei Costenbader Dream Work, Life Purpose, Creativity, Art Kisei Costenbader

Awaken Your Dreams: A Practical Way for Bringing the Wisdom of Dreams into your Life

The Talmud says; A dream not interpreted is like a letter not read.

Here is an interesting practice to connect to the wisdom of your dreams. Do you have a nagging question? Or are you looking to set a new year’s intention? Or do you have deep philosophical, spiritual or ethical questions? Or do you simply wish to connect with wisdom beyond the egoic forces of liking/disliking?

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Zen, Dharma Talk, Silent Illumination Kisei Costenbader Zen, Dharma Talk, Silent Illumination Kisei Costenbader

Alertly seeing through confusion: bringing wonder into the world

Hongzhi says, alertly seeing through confusion is the way of silent illumination

Alertly seeing through confusion.

What does this mean for you? How do you do it…

First–how do you recognize confusion? And what practices help you come back to present moment experience, to a moment of thought-free awareness, to the silence, spaciousness, stillness and brightness of this!

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Process Art, Dream Work Kisei Costenbader Process Art, Dream Work Kisei Costenbader


Exploring Dream Images, Growth Edges, Setting Boundaries and Lion Energy

The images that appear in dreams can be potent allies. Sometimes representing energies that we have disowned or abandoned. Image is the voice of the unconscious.

What are you letting lie fallow, what edges are flirting with you through this night-time foray in the world of color and light, what characters seem to haunt or seduce your imagination?

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Zazen, Zen Kisei Costenbader Zazen, Zen Kisei Costenbader

The call to be one’s self: Reflections on Zazen

I feel fortunate to be in the Zen tradition because it provides a loose form for us to be ourselves. It says, hey--you, you who are always trying so hard...

Sit Down


Let yourself be quiet for a while


You don’t need to try to be anything else here

You don’t need to improve yourself in anyway

You can let go of all of that

Just sit


Just sit

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